#13 (1082) 9.04.2015 – 15.04.2015

After tension on the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic – Azerbaijan contact line in July-August 2014 Azerbaijani armed forces are getting more and more active again. According to the NKR Defense Army, besides sending permanently the saboteur squads, using various firearms, 60 and 82mm mortars, the Azerbaijani forces, for the first time since ceasefire’s establishment, have begun to use 120mm caliber mortars. Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov stated that “we have so many weapons and military techniques that due to its use the Armenians will not come to consciousness for hundreds of years” and that the “very first strike will destroy 70% of the enemy.”

On April 7, on the opening ceremony of the fully renovated 4th building of the Central Hospital, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, 1st Deputy Head of RA AF GS Lt. General Enriko Apriamov, Head of MoD Staff Garnik Hayrapetyan, Chairperson of “Military Doctors’ Armenian Association” NGO Ruzanna Khachatryan were present.
Hospital chief Colonel Aram Asaturyan said in his speech that in the new building will operate the flight examination, therapy, maxillofacial surgery, dentistry and gynecology departments.

Azerbaijani armed forces at the border have already begun to use 120mm caliber mortars. Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov said that “we have so many weapons and equipment that from our strike Armenians hundreds of years will not come to their senses” and that the “first strike would destroy 70% of the enemy.”

Radio-Electronic Warfare – REW with its capabilities became kind of combat operation, method of warfare. Today there is no kind of troops in its composition not having the electronic component. Even if the weapon is super-modern, but if we incapacitate or put under the control its electronics, it turns into scrap-metal. Today, while fighting against the electronics, we may effectively reduce the possibility of military equipment of the enemy without destroying it. For example, it is not necessary to destroy the enemy tank. It is enough to “blind” tank driver with electron beam or disable the breech-sight system.

From 2 to 7 April along the state border of Armenia “Victory Relay” was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Relay was launched on February 2 with the Belarusian city of Grodno. Armenia is the third time participating in the “Victory Relay”.