#22 (1091) 11.06.2015 – 17.06.2015

RA Government approved the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Law “On State Pensions”, according to which is provided to calculate the equivalent to twice the period of combat duty on the front line at the end of the calendar time for a military pension. After 20 years of service the coming period is added to the service-period in doubling the size and double service-period is an additional amount.

On June 12 in Baku the first European games opened, where our athletes are participating in six sports: boxing, sambo, judo, shooting, taekwondo, and Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling.
At international representation championships, thanks to the excellent performances of military athletes of the Ministry of Defense, the Armenian flag was repeatedly raised and our national anthem sounded.

On the 25th selection of the National Assembly of Turkey the ruling party “Justice and Development” received 40.8% of votes. It’s not so much the defeat of the Islamists, as the president Erdogan’s, as he is trying to make the transition from a presidential to a parliamentary system. This is also the defeat of the party, the first time they have been unable to form a sole government. The reasons are many. Firstly, the fact that they support the jihadist terrorists in Iraq and Syria, when the NATO allies, including the US fight against the jihadists. The issue of membership of the European Union is suspended. Erdogan brought to zero relations with all neighboring countries, but when he came to power, he put forward the program of “Zero problems with neighbors”. Today, Turkey is in isolation: no embassies in Syria, Israel, Egypt, and with Iraq and Iran there are rather strained relations. Border regions were trading with these countries, and now they have lost it, and the number of unemployed reached 6 million 200 thousand, 17 million people are on the brink of poverty.

On May 9, Armenian servicemen took part in the parade on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 72 soldiers and officers marched through Red Square, reminding the world about the role of the Armenian nation to victory, providing the level of preparedness of the armed forces of the current Armenian state.