#46 (1115) 26.11.2015 – 2.12.2015

The President of Armenia, Supreme Commander Serzh Sargsyan on November 18th made a working visit to the defense positions at the north-eastern border area of the Republic of Armenia. Accompanied by the Minister of Defense and the highest command of the RA Armed Forces, the President of Armenia toured military units, visited the defense positions, observed firsthand the combat readiness of the troops and the ongoing process of army building.

The main purpose of the visit was – acquaintance with the military-industrial complex of the Republic of Armenia and to find new opportunities for cooperation. In the delegation there were also Chairman of the Business Council under the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military and Economic Cooperation of CSTO member states Alexander Nozdrachyov and Assistant Chairman of the Board of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation Alexander Pavlichenko. The delegation got acquainted with a number of military-industrial enterprises of Armenia.

Central Archive of the RA Defense Ministry plays an important role in addressing social and legal problems of servicemen and soldiers-participants of the war. Currently, large-scale work is also underway towards obtaining documents from the troops, and the use of archival documents.

In recent years, ties between the school and the army strengthened further. Schools pay more attention to basic military training, working with military units of the community.
Director of the school after John Kirakosyan (former school after Dzerzhinsky) Anahit Khosrovyan says that in matters of military-patriotic education, BMT office equipment, property, even in making a shooting range and a sports ground, a great help came from the graduates of the school in the framework of the project “Help Your School”.

The terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13 opened a new chapter in international relations. After 111 years preconditions have created for the revival of such a powerful military-political union, what was the Entente. At the same time the situation in the Middle East could lead to a major review of the results of the First World War.