Address: Garegin Nzhdeh street, house 56, here is a two-storey house. This library-museum-house is of deputy commander of a special regiment of Shushi, the legendary fighter, liberator, knight of the Order of the “Battle Cross” of 1st and 2nd degree Vardan Stepanyan (Doushman).
We are in the Tavush region. Accompanied by the deputy commander on work with personnel Major Vahan Stepanyan we climb up to the positions.
These days there was an attack on one of the military recruiting offices. On that day, Lieutenant Colonel Mickayel Mirzoyan, head of the third department, was on duty.
Interview with Head of the Department of Armenian-Ottoman relations, YSU Institute of Armenian studies Research, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Turkologist Lusineh Sahakyan.
Interview by special correspondent of “Hai Zinvor” newspaper Gayaneh Pogosyan, with the commander of NKR Defense Army, Lieutenant-General Levon Mnatsakanyan