
Another battle group of Armenian women is rushing to the Artsakh front line. The victory indeed has no alternative, when three generations stand in the trench protecting the Armenian lands, when besides men, women also defend our homeland with weapons in their hands. This war requires national consolidation and overexertion of forces…

The school of Bazmaghbyur village of Aragatsotn region has turned into a unique workshop. Ruzanna Khachatryan, an accountant working in the field of tourism, says.

I find Vartan lying in the hospital room. The right hand is immobilezed with iron rods, there are scars left on the masculine face, still not completely healed.

We are in Verin Dvin, where the largest Assyrian community in Armenia is concentrated. Assyrian children sell persimmons and tangerines in front of the municipality.

Dilbar is a Yezidi nurse who went to the front line with the Yezidi detachment, through whose efforts precious lives were saved and the dangers to health were reduced.

Indomitable, determined, brave … In the eyes of a soldier radiating boundless longing, love and warmth to his country, his relatives, his friends and compatriots, the driving force of his heroism will be hardened.

“Armenia, country of paradise”… The poet admired-loved-worshiped, did not call for heroism, did not give a message to the generations to keep this rocky-difficult land… Country of paradise, he said, and we understood that our share is here, this little one, on a rocky, native land, here is our paradise, our home, our root. Our homeland.