
Borderline, frontline… Gevorg Gharibyan, a new Greco-Roman wrestler and new European champion, visited the place of service of the strong and dedicated boys on combat duty.

Recenlty, the cadets of one of the rocket units conducted a combat shooting exercise in the Baghramyan training grounds. The purpose of the exercise was to strengthen the theoretical knowledge acquired by the cadets.

‘When the Artsakh war broke out, I faced a dilemma: to choose a weapon or a camera. I made sure that there were a lot of people taking up arms and decided that my weapon would be the camera. I accepted the strictest principle for myself: I am only a documentarian.

According to the Armenian Armed Forces’ Training Plan, during the summer and winter training periods, the units regularly participate in camp trainings, field training centers or in the relevant areas of the shooting range of military units.

Armenia is considered a mono-ethnic country, but in our country there are also representatives of different nations: Yezidis, Greeks, Assyrians, Jews …

When we say “the generation of war”, we immediately imagine the children who went through the Artsakh liberation war, who took refuge in shelters, whose ears learned the roar of bombs, whose fathers became stone monuments or remained on the roads of obscurity. And even if they returned home victorious and glorious, the war was […]