
Recently, the 8th RA Kung Fu Open Championship took place, which was attended by 130 athletes from 7 federations and clubs from Artsakh and different cities and villages of Armenia. The contest was dedicated to the memory of the federation’s coaches, Davit Ananyan and Sevak Mnatsakanyan, who died in the 44-day war, as well as all our other fallen heroes.

Armenian giant Narek Yeganyan became the first in the world to lift the heaviest tank in the world. He set a new Gunnies record by moving the 44 ton and 850kg tank for 1.55 meters.

In 2003-2005 I served in the army, was recognized as the best army athlete, participated in the European Championship and won a medal. I remember the excitement of my comrades. Army years are the most memorable in my life. Every Armenian primarily is bound to be a soldier. Every victory we get due to the peace deserved by you, dear soldier!

There is an Armenian footballer in the national football team of Iran – Andranik Teymouryan.
In the FIFA Table the Iranian team today occupies 37th place, in Asia – the 1st place.
Andranik Teymouryan was born in Tehran in 1983. His first football success he registered in the football club “Ararat” which was often compared with the Spanish club “Bilbao”. The team was also called “Orange” because the players used to wear orange uniforms.