#45 (910) 17.11.2011 – 23.11.2011

On November 7-9 Needs Presentation Conference was held in Federative Republic of Germany with the participation of South Caucasus countries. Armenia was represented by Deputy Head of RA MOD Defense Policy Department Ara Mesropyan.
First such a conference was organized in 2002 on the initiative of American Forces Command in Europe. Its aim is: to set up a forum where South Caucasian three countries could present their needs in the sphere of defense reforms, where Western countries’ aid is needed. Since 2005 the Western countries started to stipulate such aid in their state budgets, and the initiative got a practical significance.

In the beginning of November a conference on “Defense Policy and Strategy” was held where Armenia was represented by Deputy Head of RA MOD Defense Policy Department Ara Mesropyan. According to him, the Conference was organized by NATO International Secretariat Defense Policy and Planning Department and pursued two aims: 1) to discuss the role of NATO in developing partner-countries’ defense abilities, 2) to present NATO’s new initiative for general, alliance and multinational operations.

The peculiarities of the current conscription which started on November 15th, are mechanisms improvements and increase of possibilities for protestation and violations revelation. About this RA Defense Minister stated in the interview to the State TV. “On the order of the Defense Minister under the aegis of the Public Council a commission is created which examines all the complaints of the citizens, takes appropriate decisions and presents to the corresponding bodies, – told S.Ohanyan. – Besides there is a “hot line” 1-88”.

On November 11th a conference on “Operational training organization and implementation results analysis, ways and methods for elevation of their level” was held in the Defense Ministry.
The Conference was organized by RA MOD Operational Training Department, where military units deputy commanders on operational training, representatives of corresponding divisions participated.
Reports were made on operational training inspections results analysis in the troops, operational training organization and control mechanisms.

In the Armenian army fatal outcome cases because of illnesses decreased for 30% for the last year. The registered cases are exceptionally linked with firearms wounding and sudden death. This was told by RA MOD Military-Medical Department Head, M/S colonel Artashes Parsadanyan. For 33% reduced the number of enlisted servicemen, demobilized because of illnesses during the first three months of their service.

Human mind can’t decepher the past of the gene and it can’t reach the source. Man’s birth and his life are the next refuge of that great and interminable way. I am from Alaverdi. My father Hovhannes Navasardyan was a historian, my mother Hranush Petrosyan was a mathematician and singer; she had a beautiful, precious voice. My childhood was bathered with bright beauty. The nature was beautiful, my mother’s voice was beautiful, human relations, standards and values were beautiful. The impressions of childhood accompany us during the whole life, the echoes of the past are always with us; they are the wrap of our spirit, they give birth to our dreams, experiences, emotions, they colour our life.

The initiators of the idea of the constitution are the English while we – the Armenians have talked about democratic values almost simultaneously with the French. In the second half of the 18th century the Armenian colonies were recruited mainly with merchants, workmen and ship owners from Iran, particularly New Jugha, whose broad trade circles gave an opportunity to have a great influence, position, authority and to create strong bonds with the English politicians and civilization. At the beginning of the 1770s “Madras Club” was formed where the Armenian intellectual cream of society was involved.