#05 (972) 7.02.2013 – 13.02.2013

During Artsakh war the desire of the Armenian fighters was to have armoured vehicles in necessary quantity. The only source to acquire them was the enemy’s army. Armenians either confiscated vehicles or shot them, afterwards fixed them and used.
And now, 20 years after the war the armoured troops are the most powerful arms in the Army of Defense of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

On January 31st Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan received servicemen Aram Avagyan and Narek Abgaryan, silver and bronze medalists of Europe championship of Boxing. The Minister rewarded them with departmental medals.

On January 28th in the Officers’ House of Greece, Athens a reception was held on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of RA AF formation. 300 guests were present, among them Head of Greece National Army of Defense General Staff General Michael Kostaracos and other high-ranking servicemen.
During the function some Greece officers were rewarded with RA AF jubilee medals who have their own share in Armenian-Greek military cooperation.

Admiral Hernan Kuyumjyan from Chili is in his homeland for the second time. He is one of the founders of the Chili Fleet, serves 44 years, from them 10 – as an Admiral.
“Everywhere Armenians should be the best. When I return to Chili, I’ll tell them how Armenia has developed, reached success especially in the military sphere. Armenian army is young but it already has its history with living heroes. It is very important that Armenian youth can see its heroes, be proud of them.

Lebanon army Brigade General Panos Manjyan serves in the army 38 years.
“Since I am an Armenian, my spirit is strong. Armenian servicemen must be persistent in defending Armenia. Armenians, living in Armenia, are very lucky because everything around is Armenian… Arabs have more than 20 states. One collapses, they’ll create a new one, they have money, oil. Armenia doesn’t have them, that’s why each one must consider the duty of his soul to defend Armenia”.