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The difficult situation in Turkey can not lead to civil war, but the possibility of a coup by the army is not excluded, expresses his opinion Turkologist Hakob Chaqryan. Although a large part of society is not satisfied with the "Justice and Development" ruling party, however, in Turkey can not be a serious internal political struggle.  - Today in the Kurdish-populated areas there are the national security forces and the army, - says Chaqryan. - Here the Kurds can really rise. The current situation in Turkey indicates that the ruling party is not able to run the country. But, nevertheless, there can not to be serious disturbances. At the same time we can not exclude that Turkey may repeat the experience of 1960, 1971 and 1980, when the national army intervened in the internal political development.  - Recent analyzes in the American media suggest that dissatisfaction with Erdogan's policies increases in Washington. Even Obama showed that. It is possible that in case of respective direction of the US, the army can overthrow the existing government, as happened in 2013 in Egypt, - the expert believes. - In fact, Erdogan speaks to its citizens in the language of blackmail, arguing that the weakening of his power could lead to chaos and to new terrorist attacks.  Recall that the case on the secret organization "Ergenekon" was initiated in June 2007, when in the house of a General in reserve in Istanbul, 28 hand grenades were found. Responsibility for the murder of Armenian journalist in 2007 was sewn to the case of "Ergenekon". According to the indictment, members of the organization also planned the murder of writer Orhan Pamuk for his political position on the Armenian genocide and the Kurdish question. In charge of training a coup, on the case of "Ergenekon" dozens of high-ranking military were arrested.    Bagrat Movsesyan  Senior Lieutenant